This error is an indication that the check has become unreadable in the database. It can occur if the check is being accessed during a power failure or some other interruption to the operation of the micros system.
These checks are unrecoverable and can only be closed in the database.
To proceed you will need to know the check number which is currently causing the error.
Step 1) On the Micros POS server open DBISQL. To do this press Start -> Run -> Type "dbisql" without the quotes.
Step 2) Enter the username and password:
Username: custom
Password: custom
Username: installer
Password: installer
Step 3) Type the following command and replace XXXX with your check number and execute:
Select chk_seq, chk_num, chk_open from micros.chk_dtl where chk_num = XXXX;
chk_seq = Check Sequence number is a unique number
chk_num = Four digit check number used to identify a transaction.
chk_open = True or False. True means the check is open, False means its closed.
Step 4) Make a note of the number in the chk_seq column and type in the following command and replace XXXXXX with the chk_seq number and execute:
call micros.sp_forcechkclose(XXXXXX);
The check should now be closed.