If you are familiar with SIM Scripts (ISL Scripts) in the Oracle Micros Point of Sale product range then you will surely understand the pain of trying to do any complex work.
In Simphony versions 2 and above there have been some major enhancements to how SIM scripts can be written. We can now directly interact with .NET class libraries. This gives us the ability to move our complex logic into external libraries, create rich and fully featured user interfaces, interface to 3rd party applications and API's.
How does this work I hear you ask. Read on and ill show an example.
Simple C# Class Library Code
We shall compile the below code into a library called SimTestExample.dll
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SimTestExample
public class DoWork
public int Value { get; set; }
public DoWork(int value)
Value = value;
public List<DataModel> DoSomeTask()
// You can do whatever you need here and return a result to SIM
var ResultList = new List<DataModel>();
ResultList.Add(new DataModel() { Name = "jim", Value = 100.00m });
ResultList.Add(new DataModel() { Name = "mark", Value = 200.00m });
return ResultList;
public class DataModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Value { get; set; }
SIM script to use the SimTestExample.dll
The below script is a very simple example of how to call a .NET DLL from a SIM script.
// multiple namespaces can be imported by separating them with a comma
NetImport SimTestExample from "C:\MyLibrary\SimTestExample.dll"
Event Inq : 1
var Worker : object
var ResultList : object
Worker = new DoWork(1)
infomessage Worker.Value // This will display a message box with a value of 1.
ResultList = Worker.DoSomeTask() // ResultList will be populated with the List<DataModel> from our library.
infomessage ResultList[1].Name // This will display a message box with a value of mark.
In Simphony versions 2 and above there have been some major enhancements to how SIM scripts can be written. We can now directly interact with .NET class libraries. This gives us the ability to move our complex logic into external libraries, create rich and fully featured user interfaces, interface to 3rd party applications and API's.
How does this work I hear you ask. Read on and ill show an example.
Simple C# Class Library Code
We shall compile the below code into a library called SimTestExample.dll
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SimTestExample
public class DoWork
public int Value { get; set; }
public DoWork(int value)
Value = value;
public List<DataModel> DoSomeTask()
// You can do whatever you need here and return a result to SIM
var ResultList = new List<DataModel>();
ResultList.Add(new DataModel() { Name = "jim", Value = 100.00m });
ResultList.Add(new DataModel() { Name = "mark", Value = 200.00m });
return ResultList;
public class DataModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Value { get; set; }
SIM script to use the SimTestExample.dll
The below script is a very simple example of how to call a .NET DLL from a SIM script.
// multiple namespaces can be imported by separating them with a comma
NetImport SimTestExample from "C:\MyLibrary\SimTestExample.dll"
Event Inq : 1
var Worker : object
var ResultList : object
Worker = new DoWork(1)
infomessage Worker.Value // This will display a message box with a value of 1.
ResultList = Worker.DoSomeTask() // ResultList will be populated with the List<DataModel> from our library.
infomessage ResultList[1].Name // This will display a message box with a value of mark.