If you have IP network based printers tm-u220b M188B or similar which are setup on IPCC's then there is a process called ipcc.exe which is required for these to work.
Step 1) First we need to get to a micros prompt. In Version 3.00+ Type "micros" and press enter without the quotes. Go to step 2.
In versions less than 3.00 "Start -> Programs -> Micros Systems 9700 -> Nut Cracker". At the $ prompt type in "micros" and press enter. Go to step 2.
Step 2) At the micros prompt then type in "ps ipcc" without the quotes and press enter. If you are returned an ipcc process then this is not the problem. If you are not returned a process type in "reload" and press enter and then type "ps ipcc" and press enter. You should now be able to print. 0 comments
Step 1) First we need to get to a micros prompt. In Version 3.00+ Type "micros" and press enter without the quotes. Go to step 2.
In versions less than 3.00 "Start -> Programs -> Micros Systems 9700 -> Nut Cracker". At the $ prompt type in "micros" and press enter. Go to step 2.
Step 2) At the micros prompt then type in "ps ipcc" without the quotes and press enter. If you are returned an ipcc process then this is not the problem. If you are not returned a process type in "reload" and press enter and then type "ps ipcc" and press enter. You should now be able to print. 0 comments